Pierre Rétat, former professeur at the Université Louis-Lumière (Lyon 2), is co-director of the Œuvres complètes de Montesquieu
He directed the publication of tomes VIII, IX (Œuvres et écrits divers I et II, 2003 and 2006), and VII (Défense de L’Esprit des lois, 2010).
Academic discourses
[fr][en]Collection of songs
[fr][en]Défense de L’Esprit des lois
[fr][en]Dialogue between Sulla and Eucrates
[fr][en]Discourse on Cicero
[fr][en]Discourse on the equity that must decide judgments and the execution of the
[fr][en]Discourse on the motives that should
encourage the study of the sciences
[fr][en]Entresol (Club de l’)
[fr][en]Inaugural Discourse at the French
[fr][en]In praise of sincerity
[fr][en]Letters from Xenocrates to Pheres
[fr][en]On the difference between consideration and
[fr][en]On the Gothic manner
[fr][en]Recollections of the court of Stanislas Leckzinski
[fr][en]Reflections on the inhabitants of