Letizia Norci Cagiano de Azevedo

Letizia Norci Cagiano de Azevedo, professor of French literature at Università Roma Tre, has notably published the critical edition of the Lettres familières of Charles de Brosses (Naples: Centre Jean Bérard, 3 vols., 1991), the volumes Napoli, capitale, giardino, museo nell’Europa del Settecento (Florence: Il Ventilabro, 1997) and Parliamo di barocco (Roma: Biblink, 2009), the edition of the collections Roma triumphans? L’attualità dell’antico nella Francia del Settecento (Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007) and “Rome n’est plus dans Rome”? (Paris: Honoré Champion 2015), as well as numerous essays on French literature in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries couched in the European context.


Baroque [fr][en]
Modern Rome [fr][en]