Françoise Gevrey

Françoise Gevrey is professor emeritus of eighteenth-century French literature at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. She has worked mostly on fiction (L’Illusion et ses procédés de « La Princesse de Clèves » aux « Illustres Françaises », José Corti, 1988) and on its relation to moral philosophy. She has co-directed a volume on the critical texts of Houdar de La Motte (Champion, 2002), and edited two volumes of tales for the « Bibliothèque des génies et des fées » (Champion, vol. 18, Voisenon et autres conteurs, 2007; vol. 19, Les Génies instituteurs, March 2014). She also has published several articles on reading the eighteenth century by nineteenth-century writers (Stendhal, Flaubert, the Goncourts).


Stendhal [fr][en]