Denis de Casabianca

Denis de Casabianca, a philosophy agrégé teaching preparatory classes for the grandes écoles in Marseille. He holds a doctorate in philosophy (2002), and pursues research on the relations between the sciences, arts and politics in the eighteenth century. He is a participant in the edition currently under way of Montesquieu’s Œuvres complètes (ENS de Lyon and Classiques Garnier).


Bonnet, Pierre Charles [fr][en]
Buffon [fr][en]
Climates [fr][en]
Congruity [fr][en]
Descartes [fr][en]
Machine, mechanics [fr][en]
Matter [fr][en]
Natural History [fr][en]
Newton [fr][en]
Order [fr][en]
Relations [Rapports] [fr][en]
Science / Scientific Culture / Scientific Works [fr][en]